EasiShare – A More Secure Alternative to Online Storages

When we hear Dropbox or Google Drive, we immediately associate it as an online storage that we store our personal images, documents and videos, and readily access them via our desktop or smartphone. These online storages are so convenient that we might not think twice to use it at work and to send sensitive work data internally and externally. However, these actions potentially increase the risk of organisational files being breached. As a result, it has become apparent that companies require a more secure way to share and manage their files.

Love the Convenience but Organisations Need Better Security

The freedom from managing our organisation’s digital assets readily, comes with some drawbacks. Online storages are lacking in some areas when it comes to fulfilling security needs as they withhold sensitive information. When this sensitive information is being compromised, it will result in plenty of repercussions. Additionally, government agencies and industry leaders have also implemented stringent regulatory compliance on data security to promote a sound security posture in every organisation.

When are online storages not enough?


  • Encryption keys are not owned by the organisation
  • Deployment options are limited to only public cloud


  • It does not provide a full visibility of file activities
  • It is not able to centrally access all file repositories


  • It lacks control on implementing stricter data security policies
  • It does not deter spoofing extension

Gaining access to millions of user accounts is a huge motivation for hackers and over the years, online storages have been a prime target. Dropbox breach was one of the biggest in the last decade and 68 million Dropbox user accounts were compromised. Every new breach with the advancing technology highlights the importance of a greater security posture to protect sensitive files within the organisation.

Why did our customers switch to EasiShare?

Innovated and designed in Singapore, EasiShare protects the data of organisations from multiple industries such as government, finance and healthcare. Unlike online storages, we recognise the challenges faced by IT team to balance security and productivity in workplace. For that reason, EasiShare focuses on complying with strict regulatory compliance, and it was designed with people in mind.



  • On-Premise, Cloud and Hybrid Deployment Options
  • Supports Air-Gapped Architecture
  • Two-Factor Authentication for both Internal & External File-Sharing
  • AES256-bit encryption of files in transit and at rest



  • Comprehensive audit logs for admin’s full visibility
  • Simplified and unified interface to access multiple storages


  • Flexibility in policy control for admins (e.g. file size control, restrict file sharing, restrict upload and download attempts)
  • True File Type Authentication

Speak to us today

EasiShare is an enterprise file security solution that helps organisations securely manage, share and govern their files. Designed with both user experience and system admin control in mind, its intuitive interface delivers simplicity to users whilst complying with security requirements. Contact us today!