3 Things to Enhance File Security Measures in Your Organization

File security is a popular buzzword these days. Keeping your files safe is a critical aspect of protecting your business and your clients, and preserving your company’s reputation. Many organizations fall short of ensuring their files are secure.

This goes beyond implementing major security measures and systems, and more about paying attention to the details. For example, with the popularity of bring-your-own-device (BYOD) programs in the workplace, it’s not uncommon for employees to use their personal devices at work. This may lead to data being compromised when employees continuously transfer files between devices and increase the risk of sensitive files being leaked to non-authorized personnel. 

What is your company doing to minimize these risks? Do you have the technology and protocols in place to guarantee that data isn’t compromised by the way your team members share files?

If this isn’t something that you’ve carefully considered in your organization, it’s time to start. Here are the top 3 things you need to do to enhance file security in your organization:

1. Increase Cybersecurity Awareness

According to one study, 68% of business leaders feel they are facing higher cybersecurity risks today than ever before. Employees don’t understand the impact these threats might have on the workplace, or their own lives.

Often, employees are more concerned about performing their jobs efficiently and may not be concerned about security. The fact is, however, 90% of data breaches are caused by human error—which is why it’s essential to create a culture of cybersecurity awareness so employees actively take steps to protect a business’s data assets. Being aware means your entire organization recognizes what cyber threats they could face, how each threat affects the business, and the steps to minimize exposure and risk.

For example, file-sharing is inevitable between employees. To keep file-sharing safe, make sure everyone is aware of the dangers of sharing files outside of pre-approved file-sharing software platforms. 

All employees should be trained to recognize cybersecurity threats in their various forms and should stay up to date on the ever-evolving cyber threat landscape. Ongoing security training within your organization is a crucial part of overcoming file sharing hazards.

2. Enable Employees with the Right Tools

On top of companies investing in the right tools and taking the time to craft official policies that boost data security, it’s important to pay attention to how employees are actually using and implementing them. This is especially true for file sharing in your organization. In fact, insecure file transfers remain a leading concern for many IT and security teams.

For example, even with policies in place, if employees don’t have access to the tools and technology to implement them, they cannot guarantee data security for your organization. Sensitive data may be jeopardized as it gets passed from one colleague to the next. A commercial-grade, highly secure file-sharing platform designed with users in mind is a must for allowing employees to centrally manage and securely transfer files.

3. Full Visibility of User’s File Behaviors​

While file-sharing solutions make data available for anyone in your office at the push of a button. However, this convenience could come at the expense of compromised cybersecurity if file-sharing behaviors are not carefully managed.

Comprehensive high-level file-sharing platforms track user file sharing behaviors and provide access to detailed logs that allow administrators to see who has accessed and shared what data. This helps ensure transparency within the organization and compliance with all cybersecurity policies, accurately collecting data such as the destination and source addresses, user login records, timestamps, user privileges, and files that have been accessed. This serves to prevent data breaches because of human error and employee negligence, while flagging potential security threats before they lead to a breach.

It’s not uncommon for data breaches to occur in an organization. Lapses in security can be prevented through education and awareness, implementing the right technology and tools, and closely managing file-sharing between employees.

To help minimize security vulnerabilities, improve your organization’s cybersecurity, and protect your assets, contact EasiShare for more info.