Secure. Share. Sync. Simplified.

We had a great webinar session this week about the changing trends in Enterprise File Security. Thank you for joining us!

Our CEO Sharon Teo shared with us how the trends in Enterprise File Security had evolved over time and how the requirements of IT teams have changed to provide a productive and a secure working environment for the organisations. She also went through how EasiShare also has evolved with these trends in time.  

Our EasiShare Product Manager Ting Teck Wei has gone through the latest features that have been added to EasiShare and the behind-the-scenes “why” of some of the features that had been implemented. He also talked about the upcoming features and trends.

It was also a special day for us, because with the webinar, we’ve launched the latest version of EasiShare and we’re looking forward to serving our customers better and faster than before.

You can always reach out to us for your questions to have your own private Q&A session!